I'm Not Smart , I'm Just Wearing Glasses



fiction novels always are my favourite topic of all time.The way a writer set their fantasy dream into a piece of paper and make it look real or the readers feels like it is real and acceptable as a story is just amazing.But how to write and create your own fantasy universe?

Well, I'm not a professional writer myself...But with the magic of research and google :p I can help you to open your mind into the world where only you can enter and explore!Let us get started.

The first baby step is to think wild with your imagination.Just think of something

incredible.Something original and something out from this world of logic.Example, dragon!Or, aliens from outer space with a magic to control elements of the universe.And blah-blah-blah.If you still can't think of anything...Well, get inspiration from other stories or sources on the internet.There are so many books to be read and discover every writer dreams.So go on.Spent your money to gain knowledge and let your brain be free.

You need to think whether your story started in the past.Or the present.Or the future.And you need to answer these questions like what and who created your world?What is their believe in or their religion?How do they communicate or transportation?What technology did they use?And more...

Where do they live, or work or go to school?What conflict has to happen and how do they encounter with the conflict.Did they go to war?Or have a contract for peace?What flora and fauna are grown in their world?And such...

To make it more simple.Just list some things on a piece of paper and then brainstorms it all together and make it a story reasonable enough for the readers to understand what world or what universe are set in your fiction novel.And if you can answer this question.You're ready to create your project.