I'm Not Smart , I'm Just Wearing Glasses

Hello December | GOAL

Last month of 2016 !! I just thinking of leaving this blogpost ritual but it is the month that marks the end of 2016 so I got to at least say hello to it. I will close a lot of books in this month like this Monthly Monitor but are so excited to open a new one. I can't believe 2016 is going to its end, the new year is approaching and I am hoping a better outcome for next year. I really hope every of my resolution for next year will come true. Anyway, 2017 resolution will be on a separate blogpost.

As for this post, I just want to sum up of what I'm going to do in this December. I am so excited as I have a lot of things in my head and really want to decorate and use my planner appropriately. For your information, I am really into planner these days. I have bought mine for 2017 however, I have to wait one more month before I could open that brand new planner. But of course, before anything I'll decorate the planner first like all in PLAN WITH ME youtube videos !

I have bought so many stuffs for planner decoration purpose like the washie tapes in this picture itself. You can't even imagine how much I've spent on that and I feel like it was for good and going to be useful soon or later. so no regrets here =D I'll do the Planner Supplies Haul blogpost soon. Insyallah.

Some of my goals or to-do list in December are :

01. Planning planning planning
I want to get myself organize. I was always having this thing as my goal or to-do list and I am actually becoming a lot better from the past. What I can say that,  my things in the room are becoming more in place and this is because I've learned it a lot from my friends and also the internet. Life taught us and that's how I become more organize in making sure that my room is not in a mess when I'm inside the room if you know what I mean.

02. More hardworking in study
I remember from my previous postings in my course, I like to copy notes from my friends that had undergone the posting. I find it a lot easier since I know what points I need to memorize and I do not have to spend more time reading the topics because I already have the notes. And notes are all that matter before the exam. Unfortunately, on my latest posting which was Psychiatry, I find copying notes only make me become less understanding the topics. From that moment, I had decided to not copy any notes anymore instead, I'll preread myself, highlighting and make my own productive notes. I know this will work or not. of course, it takes time but that's okay because it worth it.

03. Be consistent in blogging
I might not be blogging everyday (hey since when I start to post everyday?) but I am planning to post every of my new entry on the same hour everyday. Maybe at 8am or 9 am or maybe just in the morning since I heard from a blogger that publish on the morning or at lunch really made a different. So here I am, just want to get a little bit more organize on blog timing. I'm afraid that I can't committed to it because sometimes I just want to hit that publish button anytime I want without any further ado.

04. Get that weight
This is seriously a secret but I tell you guys only. My weight right now is two after eighty. gosh. can't even put out the number because I am not supposed to have this weight according to my height. I should be less than that and my all time target is just 60kg or 65kg. I really should get this ideal weight before traveling this new year. I should!

That's all for this December goals. Basically , I want to be more diligent in studying, consistent in blogging, get that weight and prepare for Dubai trip which means I got to save more money this month and no more crazy shopping

Atikah x0x0