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Pros and Cons of Having Children while Young

Pros and Cons of Having Children while Young

             In these days for some young people to have babies is a selfish act. However, I think that having children at that stage of life has advantages and disadvantages.

         On the plus side, when you’re young you have more energy to protect your children and spend time with them.For example, you can play together with your kids, even if the plays are very hard sports such as basketball or football. Another point is that, when you finish bring up your kids, you would be still young and have much remaining time to live. The most important thing is young pregnant have less risk than women 35 above. All in one,having children at a young age is a good thing to educate yourself and build a large family.

          However, there are also disadvantages. For example, maybe if you had a baby when she was younger, you need to release some plan in your life. You can no longer spend time with friends, go make fun outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain climbing and so on. What is more, the young parents don’t have enough experiences to raise their kids. Raising kids require various knowledge and patience. Last of all, become parents at a young age often do not have a regular job, it is difficult to raise children in a bad economy right now.

          In my opinion, having babies is a personal decision ad you have to think if you are prepared, although to be parents we will never be prepared,the age it doesn’t matter. In conclusion, In conclusion, there are pros and cons to having children while young. However, children are from God. Human can only make plans and take the best available choice for them. Although some couples may think that to be a parent in young age is not easy, I think it is depend on each person condition and their preparation.