I'm Not Smart , I'm Just Wearing Glasses

Salam Maulidur Rasul: #solluAlaNabiy

12 Rabiul Awwal 1438H.

Sudahkah kita berselawat kepada Rasulullah yang kita cintai?
Banyakkan berselawat. Banyakkan berselawat.
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Ya Rasulullah.
Sebaik-baik manusia di atas muka bumi.
Betapa beruntungnya kita dapat menjadi umat baginda.
Semoga syafaat baginda Rasulullah dapat kita terima di akhirat kelak.

Banyakkan berselawat. Banyakkan berselawat.
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Ya Rasulullah.
Akhlakmu teramat sangat mulia.
Tidak kira dengan musuh mahupun sahabat.
Sehingga bila ditanya kepada Saidatina Aisyah tentang akhlakmu.
Jawapannya adalah akhlakmu adalah alQuran. Subhanallah.

sunnah kayu sugi
Sunnah bersiwak. ;)

Wahai sahabatku, kita kata kita mencintai Rasulullah.
Tapi, adakah kita mengikut baginda?
Atau hanya sayang dan cinta sekadar di bibir?
Cinta itu perlu dibuktikan.
Mana mungkin cintakan Rasulullah jika hidup kita dipenuhi dengan cinta dunia.

Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk bercakap dengan sopan dan penuh beradab. 
Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk bersikap jujur dan amanah.
Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk sentiasa berakhlak mulia.
Tapi kita??
Muhasabah dan renung-renungkanlah diri kita.
Semoga kita sentiasa mengikut cara hidup Rasulullah. 
Hidupkan sunnah dan perbanyakkan selawat.

Ya Rasulullah, kami merinduimu..
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Fighting for final

updates: been busy

Assalamualaikum hey guys i'm back! its been
 long and i've been very busy. i cant seem 
 find the right time to write a post. or 
maybe i'm 
just giving excuses; that i'm actually lazy 
or i just
 dont have anything to talk about

but whatever, i'm back!

since its been hella long since my last post,
 i thought i shall give some updates on my
 life right now and today is 11th of December. 
a little over a month i'm on a blog hiatus. 
and there's so much going on in my life.

i got into a new semester in august. 
i get to meet my roomates, classmates 
and other bunch of mates again which 
is amazing.
 but the start of the term is a little bit
 but thats just a short term issue cos
 its better now thank goodness.

ok lets talk about my lecturers. 
 a few familiar faces but there's also 
 new faces. not gonna lie but i 
love my 
computer applicication lecturer. She is my 
new favorite.
 She has his own charisma. 
a very unique one. and She has been 
very helpful with me and my class.

talk about lecturers, of course
 there are
 going to be lack of this and that.
 but for me,
 it depends on the student. it was all 
about that 
students even from the start. your
and the way you perceive things. 
its all in a
 different way so i think with these 
kind of issues,
 its all about how you'd handle it.

moving onto works and stuff, 
it's been very busy. 
even from the very start. with 
all the event
 management things where we need to 
handle events 
and stuff. all the presentations. all
 the grouping
 works which i am really suck at. 
it was very
 stressful but i can still handle it, even at
 the last minutes.

it was really grateful to have friends 
and family to support you. and if you have a
 kesayangan, that would be a given. but  for
 the most part, do not forget to thank god.
 that's the most important thing to take note.

and for now, i'm getting ready
 for finals. 
its getting near to the end of the semester
 and i am really hoping i would do my best.
 not just me,
 but my friends also. i hope we would 
do our best
. and i hope the rest of this semester would
 be a blast.

and i do really hope i can
 find some
 good materials to talk about
 in my blog.
 i've used up my brain from all the 
brainstorming and 
what not for my assignments 
lol someone help me. Byeeeee

Atikah xoxo

Resepi sambal lenyek terbaik dari ladang

(gambar terakhir selepas 10keping tepung lenyek di kunyah)
Assalamualaikum. Selamat pagi! okay inilah sarapan pagi saya. Tepung lenyek namanya. Makanan tradisi Tokban Legacy. Saya tak rasa semua orang tahu. kalau ada yang tahu makanan ni, korang awesome! So inilah antara resepi untuk sambal tepung lenyek ni. Untuk cara buat tepung lenyek, nanti saya updated!


  1. Lada kering segenggam
  2. Ikan bilis segenggam
  3. Bawang merah - 3 biji
  4. Bawang putih - 5 ulas
  5. Kiub maggi - 1 , gula - 2 sudu
  6. Asam jawa adabi (hujung sudu)


  1. Blander semua bahan di atas (blander sampai takde biji lada, kalau boleh)
  2. Panaskan minyak
  3. Masukkan yang dah diblander (tak perlu tapis)
  4. Masukkan gula 2 sudu, kiub maggi-1, asam jawa adabi (hujung sudu)
  5. Kacau, dan rasa
  6. Apa yang kurang, tambah (gula, garam, ajinamoto)
  7. **letak kicap masin sikit (supaya sambal jadi gelap sikit dan masin)** tambahan je ni/takperluletakpuntakpe
  8. Kacau dan tunggu sampai naik minyak.
  9. Perlahankan api, tunggu lah sambal tu masak.
  10. Bila dah naik minyak, maknanya sambal dah masak.

p/s : selalunya kalau sambal dah masak, akan jadi pekat macam sambal. hahaha aku je faham ni. dan ini sahaja sambal yang sesuai dengan tepung lenyek. perfecto!

Hello December | GOAL

Last month of 2016 !! I just thinking of leaving this blogpost ritual but it is the month that marks the end of 2016 so I got to at least say hello to it. I will close a lot of books in this month like this Monthly Monitor but are so excited to open a new one. I can't believe 2016 is going to its end, the new year is approaching and I am hoping a better outcome for next year. I really hope every of my resolution for next year will come true. Anyway, 2017 resolution will be on a separate blogpost.

As for this post, I just want to sum up of what I'm going to do in this December. I am so excited as I have a lot of things in my head and really want to decorate and use my planner appropriately. For your information, I am really into planner these days. I have bought mine for 2017 however, I have to wait one more month before I could open that brand new planner. But of course, before anything I'll decorate the planner first like all in PLAN WITH ME youtube videos !

I have bought so many stuffs for planner decoration purpose like the washie tapes in this picture itself. You can't even imagine how much I've spent on that and I feel like it was for good and going to be useful soon or later. so no regrets here =D I'll do the Planner Supplies Haul blogpost soon. Insyallah.

Some of my goals or to-do list in December are :

01. Planning planning planning
I want to get myself organize. I was always having this thing as my goal or to-do list and I am actually becoming a lot better from the past. What I can say that,  my things in the room are becoming more in place and this is because I've learned it a lot from my friends and also the internet. Life taught us and that's how I become more organize in making sure that my room is not in a mess when I'm inside the room if you know what I mean.

02. More hardworking in study
I remember from my previous postings in my course, I like to copy notes from my friends that had undergone the posting. I find it a lot easier since I know what points I need to memorize and I do not have to spend more time reading the topics because I already have the notes. And notes are all that matter before the exam. Unfortunately, on my latest posting which was Psychiatry, I find copying notes only make me become less understanding the topics. From that moment, I had decided to not copy any notes anymore instead, I'll preread myself, highlighting and make my own productive notes. I know this will work or not. of course, it takes time but that's okay because it worth it.

03. Be consistent in blogging
I might not be blogging everyday (hey since when I start to post everyday?) but I am planning to post every of my new entry on the same hour everyday. Maybe at 8am or 9 am or maybe just in the morning since I heard from a blogger that publish on the morning or at lunch really made a different. So here I am, just want to get a little bit more organize on blog timing. I'm afraid that I can't committed to it because sometimes I just want to hit that publish button anytime I want without any further ado.

04. Get that weight
This is seriously a secret but I tell you guys only. My weight right now is two after eighty. gosh. can't even put out the number because I am not supposed to have this weight according to my height. I should be less than that and my all time target is just 60kg or 65kg. I really should get this ideal weight before traveling this new year. I should!

That's all for this December goals. Basically , I want to be more diligent in studying, consistent in blogging, get that weight and prepare for Dubai trip which means I got to save more money this month and no more crazy shopping

Atikah x0x0

The Best Drama Ever

moon lovers 

When a total eclipse of the sun took place, a 21st century woman, Ko Ha-jin (Lee Ji-eun) is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. She wakes up in the body of 16-year-old Hae Soo. There, she falls in love with the 4th Prince Wang So (Lee Joon-gi), who hides his face behind a mask and is given the derogatory label "dog-wolf" by others, making other people tremble with fear. Love, rivalry, politics, and friendships ensue between the princes, in a fight for the throne, friendship, and love.

Have you watched this drama ? I believe this is one of the most hyped drama as of right now . That is mainly because of the flawless casts . I mean , LOOK AT THEM ! <3

Believe it or not , I actually watched this without reading the synopsis or even glanced at the casting . Instead , I just stumbled upon this drama on the website while looking for the new episode of Love in the Moonlight (another new hyped drama) . I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the first episode . The time travelling took me by surprise and the fact that Ko Ha-jin actually went into the body of a pre-existing girl is also unique .

Ko Ha-jin has to pretend to be the amnesiac Have Soo and continue living in the Goryeo Dynasty without knowing where fate would bring her . I personally love her character . The way she learns from past mistakes and stands up for herself and other people makes her even more lovable . 

The storyline which follows the 4th Prince Wang So is very intriguing . Wang So is feared by many and he doesn't do much to lessen their horror . He always went around the village with his horse and his creepy mask . Oh and don't forget his dagger-like glares and death threats . Its like he's trying to push everyone away . And that is mainly caused by his horribly dark childhood . Im not gonna spoil anything , so watch it for yourself if you're curious :)

I have a link on the sidebar to a website for Kdramas .

The background of this drama is great and the script is pretty well done (based on my opinion) . I've watched at least 5 historical kdramas and I really love the Joseon area but I've never come across the Goryeo area which is a great change , fresh and new . I believe the drama is set in kinda the dark (?) times of South Korea (correct me if I'm wrong) because the King has several wives and sons . Their speech also seems a little bit on the not-so-formal side regardless of ranks .

The amount of blood and killings is also pretty decent (although I prefer more blood tbh) . The fight scenes is fabulous ! Overall , I am loving this drama so far .

Its still too early to give any real review on this drama but as far as 3 episodes go , I think this is quite an enjoyable drama .


"Nabi Ayyub - Hamba Allah Yang Paling Sabar"

Manusia biasa tidak akan pernah lepas daripada melakukan dosa  dan tidak juga lepas dari dugaan yang Allah akan beri. Setiap manusia akan diberi ujian yang berlainan. Percayalah  bahawa jika Allah uji kita kerana Allah hendak kita lebih dekat dengannya dan InsyaAllah Allah tinggikan tingkat keimanan kita.

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya telah membaca kembali kisah Nabi & Rasul dalam tujuan menaikkan kembali motivasi diri ini. Salah satu kisah yang sangat memeberi kesan kepada saya iaitu kisah Nabi Ayyub a.s di mana Allah menduganya dengan penyakit dan kemiskinan. Segalanya berlaku kerana hasad dengki syaitan kerana mereka tidak dapat menggoda Nabi Ayyub a.s. Nabi Ayyub a.s telah di duga dengan kehilangan harta dan kekayaan, kemudian  anak-anaknya semua telah meninggal dunia, ditimpa pula dengan penyakit yang tidak sembuh-sembuh bertahun tahun. Namun begitu, Nabi Ayyub a.s ialah hamba Allah yang sabar dan dia terus beriman kepada Allah.

Bayangkan, kita manusia biasa, apabila Allah duga kita dengan penyakit baru sehari dua kita dah rasa putus asa dan dah tak sanggup nak hidup, apatah lagi jika Allah beri kita dugaan seperti Nabi Ayyub belum tentu kita boleh menjadi seorang yang sabar seperti Nabi Ayyub a.s. Bertahun tahun Allah duga dia dengan seluruh badannya berpenyakit, dia tetap sabar dan redha akan ketentuan Allah s.w.t dan dia hanya berdoa kepada Allah agar  tidak menarik dua perkara iaitu lidah untuk memuji kebesaran Allah dan akal fikiran untuk mengingati Allah. Subhanallah. Walaubagaimanapun, Allah maha pengasih dan lagi maha mengasihani, akhirnya Allah memulihkan juga penyakit Nabi Ayyub setelah Nabi Ayyub berdoa kepada Allah "Sesungguhnya aku ditimpa penyakit, sedang Engkaulah sahaja yang lebih mengasihani daripada segala yang mengasihani".

"Dengan izin Allah kata ulama' sesiapa yang membaca ayat ini penyakit dalam tubuh akan muntah dan bagi sesiapa yang tiada penyakit akan dapat antibiotik semula jadi dari Allah s.w.t dalam badan dia." -Ustaz Sharhan Shafie

Di bawah berikut, saya selitkan Doa Nabi Ayyub a.s. yang boleh digunakan sebagai ayat syifa' atau nama lainnya ayat penyembuhan.

Doa Nabi Ayyub:
وَأَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

Ertinya: Dan (sebutkanlah peristiwa) Nabi Ayub, ketika ia berdoa merayu kepada Tuhannya dengan berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku ditimpa penyakit, sedang Engkaulah sahaja yang lebih mengasihani daripada segala (yang lain) yang mengasihani".. (Surah Al-Anbiyaa : 83)

Segala dugaan yang menimpa kita, sama ada ringan atau berat,  Allah takkan beri kita ujian yang kita tidak mampu nak lalui dan sesungguhnya Allah lah yang mengetahui apa yang kita tidak ketahui. Jika kita pada sebelumnya tersalah langkah, kembalilah pada Allah selagi belum terlambat. Saya berharap agar kita sama-sama boleh ambil iktibar dari kisah Nabi Ayyub a.s dan sama-sama lah muhasabah dan mentransformasikan diri kita ke arah yang lebih baik.

Sekian itu sahaja coretan saya pada hari ini. Semoga diambil manfaat darinya. Kalau ada salah dan silap jangan segan untuk menegur ya. Kita sama-sama belajar. :)


Hollaa !!

Isn't it is funny how one simple thing can change someones life.

how one single person can ruin someone's future.
how a couple silly actions can cause someone so much distress.
ive never thought how my actions may affect me no matter anyone else in the future.
ive never looked back at how other people or how things that ive done have made me who i am now.

whether it's something or praise or somthing dismay, those of dismay always seem to be most memorable.
the ones that make you feel stupid or embarrassed.
those mistakes that i look back in and regret are those that i remember.

ive made a mistake. it's not just a silly mistake like forgetting my lunch, it's something that makes me not trust people.
it's something that i will remember in years to come.
it's something that makes me feel worse than i ever have. i feel disgusting. stupid. naive. hurt. embarrassed. idiotic. and worst of all... scared.
i think maybe sometimes ignorance truly is bliss. i want to believe that the world is a nice place.

i want to believe that people in it aren't not cruel and sly and can be trusted.
you dont want things you have because you already have it.
so i have none of those things, do i?
im going to keep wanting those things though because without wanting anything, the world would be a dark place.
nothing to hope for and nothing to drive you forwards.
i have drive and sometimes i think that's the only thing i have but i hold on to that. i hold on to the possible future and it makes me hopeful.

throughout my short-lived life i have come to observe the world as a kind world full of cruel souls.
you see, there will always be good and always be bad,
but we dont always see it.

i've decided that i dont like people really. dont get me wrong, i dont mean it in a horrible way.
im just not a people person. they hurt you, manipulate you and disappoint you.
all i know is that being with people.. im not me.

15 Things Stopping You from Moving Forward

In a culture that seeks quick results, we must learn the beauty of effort, patience, and perseverance.
Be strong, present, and steadfast.

Have you ever told yourself that you’re going to make something happen and then nothing happened?  That’s because you didn’t follow-through.  You didn’t have the right rituals in place – little things you do each day that build up and gradually condition your body and mind to make things happen.
Rituals define you.  All the results in your life come from your rituals.
If you’re out of shape and overweight, you have different rituals than someone who’s physically fit.  If you’re fit, you jump out of bed early every morning and sweat before preparing a healthy breakfast.  If you’re out of shape, you sleep in and eat whatever is fastest and easiest.
This may be a bit of a generalization, but it’s not far from the truth for the average able-bodied person.
In all walks of life, you don’t suddenly become successful.  You become successful over time from all the little things you do every day.
Failure occurs in the same way.  All your little daily failures (that you don’t learn and grow from) come together and cause you to fail…
  • You fail to check the books.
  • You fail to make the call.
  • You fail to listen to your customers.
  • You fail to innovate.
  • You fail to push yourself to do what must be done.
  • etc.
And then one day you wake up and your business has failed.  It was all the little things you did or didn’t do along the way, not just one catastrophic event.
So with this principle in mind, I want to share some weak points we’ve seen plaguing thousands of our coaching clients and course members over the past decade – little things people do every day that stop them from moving forward with their lives:
  1. You change nothing and expect different results. – There’s a saying that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  If you want to improve yourself, you have to try new things to see what works and what doesn’t.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.  Often the difference between a successful person and a person who struggles to implement positive changes is not one’s superior abilities, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take calculated risks, and to take steady steps forward.  In other words, some people sit and wait for the magic beans to arrive while the rest of us just get up and get to work.
  2. You keep waiting and waiting and waiting for the right time. – You cannot wait for the perfect time; it will never come.  If you think this moment feels like the wrong time, think again.  It’s just uncertainty messing with your mind.  Most of the time you must dare to jump.  Today is the first day of a new beginning – the conception of a new life.  The next nine months are all yours.  You can do with them as you please.  Make them count.  Because a new person is born in nine months.  The only question is: Who do you want that person to be?  Right now is the right time to decide.
  3. Your planning and focus are in disarray. – Do you plan your days?  Did you wake up today knowing what you wanted to accomplish?  If not, maybe it’s time you do.  Trust me, a year from now you will wish you had managed your time properly today.  What would you regret not accomplishing this year?  What would you regret doing an abysmal job at, simply because you waited until the last minute and then rushed around doing 50 things at once?  Create a plan to accomplish these things sanely, one at a time.  Planning doesn’t have to be long and tedious; it can just be a 60-second process.  Every night, think about three small things that you want to accomplish tomorrow and write them down.  When you wake up in the morning, review this list before you do anything else, and then take the first step.  If you find yourself being lured to do something that’s not on that short list of three things, bring yourself back and focus.
  4. You refuse to accept necessary risks. – Living is about learning as you go.  Living is risky business.  Every decision, every interaction, every step, every time you get out of bed in the morning, you take a small risk.  To truly live is to know you’re getting up and taking that risk, and to trust yourself to take it.  To not get out of bed, clutching to illusions of safety, is to die slowly without ever having truly lived.  Think about it: If you ignore your instincts and let shallow feelings of uncertainty stop you, you will never know anything for sure, and in many ways this un-knowing will be worse than finding out your instincts were wrong.  Because if you were wrong, you could make adjustments and carry on with your life, without looking back and wondering what might have been.
  5. You make the rejections of yesterday the focal point of today. – NOT believing that you CAN is the biggest trap of them all.  If you don’t know your own greatness is possible, you won’t bother attempting anything great.  All too often we let the rejections of our past dictate every move we make thereafter.  We literally do not know ourselves to be any better than what some opinionated person or narrow circumstance once told us was true.  Of course, this old rejection doesn’t mean we aren’t good enough; it means the other person or circumstance failed to align with what we have to offer.  It means we have more time to improve our thing – to build upon our ideas, to perfect our craft, and indulge deeper in to the work that moves us.  And that’s exactly what you need to do, starting now. 
  6. You refuse to take responsibility. – Not every event in your life is your fault, but they are all your responsibility.  A combination of your decisions and external factors for which you had no control brought you to where you are in the world today.  Negatively blaming someone else, or some other past circumstance, will change nothing.  Positively taking full responsibility for your situation and your path forward can change everything.  Leave the unchangeable past behind you as you diligently give yourself to the present moment.  In this moment is every possibility you seek.  Take responsibility for it, and bring these possibilities to life.
  7. You want things to be perfect. – Every one of us is a perfectionist about something.  Learn to sense when your desire to make something perfect is preventing you from getting it done.  Realize that the idea of perfection is not only unachievable, it can destroy your otherwise productive mindset.  It will keep you running in place, feeling insane for your entire life.  If you feel like you’re running in place right now, take a break and reflect.  Think about the difference between diligent effort and perfectionism.  Know when enough is enough.  Say it out loud if you must:  “Get lost perfectionism!  Without you I am brilliant!”
  8. You avoid the truth. – Personal transformation and growth can be remarkably rewarding, but only when the process of change is based on honesty and truth.  When you’re not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life, any attempt at transformation eventually leads to anger and frustration.  The truth always creeps back up on you; it does not cease to exist when you ignore it.  Being fake about any aspect of your existence slowly digs a dark void in your soul.  Life will simply not work for you if you don’t show up as YOU.  The truth may not be easy to deal with, but it will always set you free in the end.
  9. You close your mind to new ideas and perspectives. – Even as you grow wiser and wiser with age you must remind yourself that an understanding is never absolutely final.  What’s currently right could easily be wrong later.  Thus, the most destructive illusion is a settled point of view.  So remember that success in life does not depend on always being right.  To make real progress you must let go of the assumption that you already have all the answers.  You can listen to others, learn from them, and successfully work with them even though you may not agree with every opinion they have.  When people respectfully agree to disagree, everyone benefits from the diversity of perspective.  
  10. You let a few negative people fill your mind with garbage. – Of course, there will inevitably be a few people in your life who will be critical of you regardless of what you do or how well you do it.  If you say you want to be a dancer, they will discredit your rhythm.  If you say you want to build a new business, they will give you a dozen reasons why it might not work.  They somehow assume you don’t have what it takes, but they are dead wrong.  It’s a lot easier to be negative than positive – a lot easier to be critical than correct.  When you’re embarking on a new venture, instead of listening to the few critics that will try to discredit you, spend time talking to one of the millions of people in this world who are willing to support your efforts and acknowledge your potential, respectfully.
  11. You keep telling yourself the wrong story. – Forget what everyone else thinks of you; chances are, they aren’t thinking about you that often anyhow.  If you feel like they always are, understand that this perception of them watching you and critiquing your every move is a complete figment of your imagination.  It’s your own inner fears and insecurities that are creating this illusion.  It’s you judging yourself that’s the problem.  You judge yourself by telling yourself a story inside of your head.  Every moment of every day you’re telling yourself this story.  You are building your future around this story, so tell it right.  Create a positive narrative about your dreams and goals that include only the circumstances that matter.  What you think others are thinking about you is not part of this narrative, and neither are your negative self-judgments.
  12. You are holding on to something that’s not real. – Let go of what was never really there.  Your intuition knows what I’m referring to – the pictures in your head that go against the present reality.  Remind yourself that not everything is meant to be, and you have to accept this.  You have to seriously sit down with yourself and come to grips with the fact that you were wrong about it all along.  It was just an illusion that never really was what you thought it was.  It’s one of the most difficult realizations to accept, to realize that you feel a sense of loss, even though you never really had what you thought you had in the first place.  The key is knowing this, learning from it, letting go and taking the next step.  (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the “Adversity” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
  13. You want and expect things to be easy. – Easy goals don’t exist.  A goal is a point of achievement that requires effort and sacrifice.  There are no esteemed ventures worth participating in that don’t require some level of effort and struggle.  Decades from now when you’re resting on your deathbed, you will not remember the days that were easy, you will cherish the moments when you rose above your difficulties and conquered goals of magnitude.  You will dream of the strength you found within yourself that allowed you to achieve what once seemed impossible.  So don’t do what’s easy, do what you’re capable of.  Astound yourself with your own greatness.
  14. You have forgotten the importance of helping others, too. – It’s one of life’s great paradoxes; when you serve others you end up benefiting as much if not more than those you serve.  So if you feel stuck right now, shift your focus from your circumstances to the circumstances of those around you.  As Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”  Instead of asking, “What’s wrong with me?” ask, “How can I help you?”  Find someone who could use an extra hand and make an offer they can’t refuse.  When your focus shifts from your own confusion and difficulties, to the confusion and difficulties of others, and you see yourself making a positive difference, it fills you with a sense of meaning and illuminates a clear path to a brighter future.
  15. You aren’t taking small steps every day. – Every moment of your life builds upon the next.  This moment is the bridge between the reality of where you are and the vision of where you want to be.  Reality is approaching you every second.  And the great thing is, you’re able to alter it as it arrives.  You just have to decide what you want to do with it.  The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing simply because you can only do a little.  In fact, it is far more productive to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a giant leap only to stumble and fall and never get up again.  The path to every goal requires a hundred small steps – one after the other.  Figure out where you want to go, take a step, and keep on stepping.  Diligence and persistence will get you there