I'm Not Smart , I'm Just Wearing Glasses

Salam Maulidur Rasul: #solluAlaNabiy

12 Rabiul Awwal 1438H.

Sudahkah kita berselawat kepada Rasulullah yang kita cintai?
Banyakkan berselawat. Banyakkan berselawat.
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Ya Rasulullah.
Sebaik-baik manusia di atas muka bumi.
Betapa beruntungnya kita dapat menjadi umat baginda.
Semoga syafaat baginda Rasulullah dapat kita terima di akhirat kelak.

Banyakkan berselawat. Banyakkan berselawat.
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Ya Rasulullah.
Akhlakmu teramat sangat mulia.
Tidak kira dengan musuh mahupun sahabat.
Sehingga bila ditanya kepada Saidatina Aisyah tentang akhlakmu.
Jawapannya adalah akhlakmu adalah alQuran. Subhanallah.

sunnah kayu sugi
Sunnah bersiwak. ;)

Wahai sahabatku, kita kata kita mencintai Rasulullah.
Tapi, adakah kita mengikut baginda?
Atau hanya sayang dan cinta sekadar di bibir?
Cinta itu perlu dibuktikan.
Mana mungkin cintakan Rasulullah jika hidup kita dipenuhi dengan cinta dunia.

Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk bercakap dengan sopan dan penuh beradab. 
Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk bersikap jujur dan amanah.
Rasulullah mengajar kita untuk sentiasa berakhlak mulia.
Tapi kita??
Muhasabah dan renung-renungkanlah diri kita.
Semoga kita sentiasa mengikut cara hidup Rasulullah. 
Hidupkan sunnah dan perbanyakkan selawat.

Ya Rasulullah, kami merinduimu..
Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi wasohbihi wasallim.

Fighting for final

updates: been busy

Assalamualaikum hey guys i'm back! its been
 long and i've been very busy. i cant seem 
 find the right time to write a post. or 
maybe i'm 
just giving excuses; that i'm actually lazy 
or i just
 dont have anything to talk about

but whatever, i'm back!

since its been hella long since my last post,
 i thought i shall give some updates on my
 life right now and today is 11th of December. 
a little over a month i'm on a blog hiatus. 
and there's so much going on in my life.

i got into a new semester in august. 
i get to meet my roomates, classmates 
and other bunch of mates again which 
is amazing.
 but the start of the term is a little bit
 but thats just a short term issue cos
 its better now thank goodness.

ok lets talk about my lecturers. 
 a few familiar faces but there's also 
 new faces. not gonna lie but i 
love my 
computer applicication lecturer. She is my 
new favorite.
 She has his own charisma. 
a very unique one. and She has been 
very helpful with me and my class.

talk about lecturers, of course
 there are
 going to be lack of this and that.
 but for me,
 it depends on the student. it was all 
about that 
students even from the start. your
and the way you perceive things. 
its all in a
 different way so i think with these 
kind of issues,
 its all about how you'd handle it.

moving onto works and stuff, 
it's been very busy. 
even from the very start. with 
all the event
 management things where we need to 
handle events 
and stuff. all the presentations. all
 the grouping
 works which i am really suck at. 
it was very
 stressful but i can still handle it, even at
 the last minutes.

it was really grateful to have friends 
and family to support you. and if you have a
 kesayangan, that would be a given. but  for
 the most part, do not forget to thank god.
 that's the most important thing to take note.

and for now, i'm getting ready
 for finals. 
its getting near to the end of the semester
 and i am really hoping i would do my best.
 not just me,
 but my friends also. i hope we would 
do our best
. and i hope the rest of this semester would
 be a blast.

and i do really hope i can
 find some
 good materials to talk about
 in my blog.
 i've used up my brain from all the 
brainstorming and 
what not for my assignments 
lol someone help me. Byeeeee

Atikah xoxo

Resepi sambal lenyek terbaik dari ladang

(gambar terakhir selepas 10keping tepung lenyek di kunyah)
Assalamualaikum. Selamat pagi! okay inilah sarapan pagi saya. Tepung lenyek namanya. Makanan tradisi Tokban Legacy. Saya tak rasa semua orang tahu. kalau ada yang tahu makanan ni, korang awesome! So inilah antara resepi untuk sambal tepung lenyek ni. Untuk cara buat tepung lenyek, nanti saya updated!


  1. Lada kering segenggam
  2. Ikan bilis segenggam
  3. Bawang merah - 3 biji
  4. Bawang putih - 5 ulas
  5. Kiub maggi - 1 , gula - 2 sudu
  6. Asam jawa adabi (hujung sudu)


  1. Blander semua bahan di atas (blander sampai takde biji lada, kalau boleh)
  2. Panaskan minyak
  3. Masukkan yang dah diblander (tak perlu tapis)
  4. Masukkan gula 2 sudu, kiub maggi-1, asam jawa adabi (hujung sudu)
  5. Kacau, dan rasa
  6. Apa yang kurang, tambah (gula, garam, ajinamoto)
  7. **letak kicap masin sikit (supaya sambal jadi gelap sikit dan masin)** tambahan je ni/takperluletakpuntakpe
  8. Kacau dan tunggu sampai naik minyak.
  9. Perlahankan api, tunggu lah sambal tu masak.
  10. Bila dah naik minyak, maknanya sambal dah masak.

p/s : selalunya kalau sambal dah masak, akan jadi pekat macam sambal. hahaha aku je faham ni. dan ini sahaja sambal yang sesuai dengan tepung lenyek. perfecto!

Hello December | GOAL

Last month of 2016 !! I just thinking of leaving this blogpost ritual but it is the month that marks the end of 2016 so I got to at least say hello to it. I will close a lot of books in this month like this Monthly Monitor but are so excited to open a new one. I can't believe 2016 is going to its end, the new year is approaching and I am hoping a better outcome for next year. I really hope every of my resolution for next year will come true. Anyway, 2017 resolution will be on a separate blogpost.

As for this post, I just want to sum up of what I'm going to do in this December. I am so excited as I have a lot of things in my head and really want to decorate and use my planner appropriately. For your information, I am really into planner these days. I have bought mine for 2017 however, I have to wait one more month before I could open that brand new planner. But of course, before anything I'll decorate the planner first like all in PLAN WITH ME youtube videos !

I have bought so many stuffs for planner decoration purpose like the washie tapes in this picture itself. You can't even imagine how much I've spent on that and I feel like it was for good and going to be useful soon or later. so no regrets here =D I'll do the Planner Supplies Haul blogpost soon. Insyallah.

Some of my goals or to-do list in December are :

01. Planning planning planning
I want to get myself organize. I was always having this thing as my goal or to-do list and I am actually becoming a lot better from the past. What I can say that,  my things in the room are becoming more in place and this is because I've learned it a lot from my friends and also the internet. Life taught us and that's how I become more organize in making sure that my room is not in a mess when I'm inside the room if you know what I mean.

02. More hardworking in study
I remember from my previous postings in my course, I like to copy notes from my friends that had undergone the posting. I find it a lot easier since I know what points I need to memorize and I do not have to spend more time reading the topics because I already have the notes. And notes are all that matter before the exam. Unfortunately, on my latest posting which was Psychiatry, I find copying notes only make me become less understanding the topics. From that moment, I had decided to not copy any notes anymore instead, I'll preread myself, highlighting and make my own productive notes. I know this will work or not. of course, it takes time but that's okay because it worth it.

03. Be consistent in blogging
I might not be blogging everyday (hey since when I start to post everyday?) but I am planning to post every of my new entry on the same hour everyday. Maybe at 8am or 9 am or maybe just in the morning since I heard from a blogger that publish on the morning or at lunch really made a different. So here I am, just want to get a little bit more organize on blog timing. I'm afraid that I can't committed to it because sometimes I just want to hit that publish button anytime I want without any further ado.

04. Get that weight
This is seriously a secret but I tell you guys only. My weight right now is two after eighty. gosh. can't even put out the number because I am not supposed to have this weight according to my height. I should be less than that and my all time target is just 60kg or 65kg. I really should get this ideal weight before traveling this new year. I should!

That's all for this December goals. Basically , I want to be more diligent in studying, consistent in blogging, get that weight and prepare for Dubai trip which means I got to save more money this month and no more crazy shopping

Atikah x0x0