I'm Not Smart , I'm Just Wearing Glasses

My independence day this year :)

Today is our 59th Independence Day. So how did you celebrate the big day? ^^

Since the Independence Day fall on Wednesday, so we requested to cancel our class on the next Thursday, and yay! There will be no classes on Wednesday and Thursday, and of course Friday and Saturday too

I only celebrated the Independence Day at home, watching the Merdeka celebration on tv heheh. But then, mama wanted to go to KL, she want buy new handbag. 

Sogo KL

Abah dropped us at (?). Then we took the LRT to Bandaraya. Stesen Bandaraya tu memang bersambung dengan Sogo. Sampai-sampai je mama terus cari handbag dia heheh. So we went to The Loaf while waiting for her.  The Loaf tu kedai roti yang kat tepi pintu masuk Sogo tu.

Lepas mama dah dapat barang yang dia nak tu, kami pun keluar masuk kedai-kedai kat situ. Banyak jugak promotion yang ada. There was also lots of people. Memang meriahlah!

I got myself a blouse and a baju kurung. Actually I only wanted to buy the blouse, then I got two coupons; 30% dicount and 40% discount.

Since we seldom go to the boutique, so we decided to use the coupons immediately! I got myself a white baju kurung and my sister chose a purple baju kurung. Actually I wanted the brown jubah, but the smallest jubah was still too big for me hmm.

My baju kurung was only RM 40++ after discount! Murahlah jugak tu ^^. Then we walked around Jalan TAR.

After millions of steps, we headed to the Sogo food court and went back home ^^. bye bye